
Tired of homework...

So what do I do when I need a break? Bake a batch of cupcakes!!! I'd been having a craving for lemon cupcakes. I searched the web and found a recipe that included sour cream. Now sour cream cupcakes are my fave because they are so moist. So off I print the recipe and go bake my cupcakes. Very rarely will I taste the batter, but this batter looked odd so I tasted it... yuck! I forgot to add the sugar, gross-a-rama. But after adding the sugar and baking, they are yummy.

Here's the recipe . But I don't like all that butter in my cupcakes so I only put in 1/4 cup and added 1/4 apple sauce. TFR, Mel



The clothes are all laid out...

Tough evening. Fridge was empty... Had to rush to the grocery store which I hadn't seen in well over a month. Got the minimum of stuff 'til I clean my fridge. Anyways, Felix wants to buy his lunch at school , such a big boy!!! Oh well, tomorrow he'll have a sandwich. Next week he'll probably be home anyways since the teachers are expected to be on strike for the whole week.

Life goes on...

Well, the house will be very quiet during the day... what more can I say???
