
Vendredi le 31 juillet / Friday July 31

I took that day off in hope I'd get things done before the kids came back home. I didn't do anything all week, although I had great plans. I'm a lazy ass. The house is still a mess. The only thing I ended up doing on this beautiful day was to get the sheets off every bed, washed and back on. The laundry is mostly all done and put away. The dishes have all been cleaned, only think left is to put them away. Not my job.

Dernier souper au camp... Il fallait bien aller lui dire bonjour avant de quitter avec son frère. /Last supper at camp... I just had to go say hello and grab a few pics before we had to leave with her brother.

En chemin du retour, mais seulement pour le garcon / On the way home, but only for the boy.

N'est-ce pas un paysage splendide? / Isn't it a beautiful landscape?
Je voulais refaire la meme photo avec la demoiselle, mais nous ne sommes pas repassé par là. / I really wanted to take the same shot with the little lady, but we never drove back that way.

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