Once we got home and finished picking up the last minute stuff (obviously forgetting stuff along the way *need to make a list*) S drove us to S's house.
The traffic was unpleasant. Mr. F got in grandpa's van while Miss C and I got in S's car with the doggy. We stopped at the grocery store in Ste-Julienne and had a yummy ice cream. It was soooo good.
Once at the house, the kids wanted to go for hot dogs. Given that the 24 was St-Jean-Baptiste, the 23rd offered us the annual hot dog supper in the village. The kids had fun, made a friend for the evening. Trad music was playing, it was fun. The 24th, we went to Chertsey to visit the camp the kiddies will be staying at during the last week of July. We stopped at the bakery and got a strawberry and sugar pie. The one within the village was much better then the one from the bakery on the main road.
The camp seems like a really fun place, the kids were happy to see it. We then stopped in Rawdon at the Fete Nationale party. They had inflatable games, make-up and the traditional hot dogs! Miss C got her face painted (little bunny) and Felix played at making cans fall, he even made a friend. The kids had HDs.
Miss Bunny C.
We then stopped at the party in St-Ambroise, inflatable games, HDs, what else... 15 mins was all I could take. Back home we planned a pit fire. Picked wood, set up the fire, lots of fun. Sadly, the kids ruin the fun by not listening and just wanting to poke the fire. The marshmallows kept getting burned and the fire lasted well over 2 hours. BTW, we don't do smores here, don't know why, must be an American thing. I'm sure were are missing out!
Here's my fire pit at the very beginning.
Mr F enjoying the sticky stuff.
Here's Miss C burning yet another marshmallow.
The 25th, my dad had to go to the hospital for a follow-up while Mme S took me to the Small Claims Court. Geez, $99... Geez, 23 month wait... Geez, why doesn't Mr. FC pay up and act like a grown-up??? Went to the mall for lunch - kids ate FREE!!! Love summer deals. We went to the fruit market in Joliette, got too much stuff. their were plenty of thunder showers. It was awesome! So no fire that night.
The 26th, Miss C won over her "I wanna go fishing..." and we did go fishing. Mr F caught fish after fish. Miss C had a tougher time and needed a bit more patience. We then went for a long drive. Gutting the fish was sooooooo gross... argh!!! 7 fish for people... why did Mr F had to catch so many fish!!!
So here are the monsters fishing...
The 27th, we went for a drive. Took the ferry across to Sorel, and passed through Trois-Rivieres.
The 28th... drive back home.
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